Is it Urinary Incontinence?


There are other reasons why your dog may urinate in inappropriate places. These include:


Drinking Too Much - If a dog drinks too much they could be unable to hold it all in their bladder. It can mean that they have no choice but to urinate as they are not able to hold it until they are let outside.


If you are concerned that your dog may be drinking too much water, you should see your vet as there may be an underlying condition that needs treating. As a general rule, if your dog is drinking more than 100ml of water per kilogram of their body weight per day i.e. a 20kg dog drinking more than 2 litres of water per day, then this would be classed as drinking too much water. It can help your vet if you accurately measure your dog’s daily water intake over the course of 3-4 days.


Puppies - unintended urination is common in puppies. When they get excited they will often urinate uncontrollably. The good news is most puppies will grow out of this when they mature.


Bladder Irritation - The commonest cause of bladder irritation is a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or cystitis. Any dog may suffer from cystitis (although it is more common in those suffering from USMI). Your dog may feel a sudden urgency to pass urine, they may strain excessively when urinating or they may experience pain when urinating. Bacterial cystitis can usually be easily treated with antibiotics.


Other Causes of Loss of Bladder Control - In extremely rare cases incontinence can be related to something more serious such as cancer or severe spinal disease.


Useful guides and tips for owners


*Disclaimer – some of the drugs mentioned on this website may not be available in your country or may be being used off label, please speak to your vet for information.

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Ref: Professor Peter Holt. Understanding Urinary Incontinence. Vet Professionals 2011.